Be sure your Pet Sitter loves Kitty as much as you do! We don’t want to break your heart or cause even more strife between the two of you. But let’s face …
Eating street food can be a great way to experience local cuisine and culture while on the road. In some places, it can also save you a bundle on food. In Thailand, …
Sitting still during a long plane ride can put stress on your body, which is exactly what you want to avoid when you’re starting a relaxing vacation. To avoid problems like water …
A road trip can be a fantastic way to get to a vacation destination, because it allows you to see what lies between you and your journey’s end without the hassle of …
In the U.S., travel by train is often passed over in favor of travel by air for long distances or car trips for short distances. But in the rest of the world, …
If you’ve never traveled abroad before, passing through customs and immigration can be a little frightening. You’ll have queues to stand in and forms to fill out and present. For most people, …
Nobody wants to lose any possessions while on vacation, especially if that item is the document that will let you return home. Unfortunately, many travelers misplace their passport while vacationing abroad. If …
Most airlines charge some type of baggage fee. Even if your ticket includes a checked bag, a second bag may cost you extra, while anything falling into the oversize or overweight bag …
Spring skiing has a well-earned reputation for being a great vacation. Warm temperatures and sun combined with plenty of snow can make for a fantastic way to get out and explore a …