Thunderstorms, caused when warm, moist air rises faster and higher than usual in the atmosphere, can affect your travel or vacation plans. Storms might cause planes to divert, throw a wrench in …
Taking a road trip is a great way to travel and have an adventure at the same time. Not only can you visit just about any vacation destination you wish, you get …
For some people, the idea of relaxing on a plane can seem impossible. How can you relax when you’re hurtling through the air at 30,000 feet above the Earth? But there are …
The term “jet lag” is a fairly common one among air travelers, and it refers to the feeling of being out of sync with a new time zone after traveling a long …
Royal Holiday visitors go to some exceptional places. Some are so exceptional, in fact, that hardly anyone else has been there. Take Quepos in Costa Rica – or Ushuaia at the southern …
Good travel snacks can make the process of getting from one place to another a whole lot more enjoyable. Whether you’re taking a family road trip or getting on a plane for …
No matter how you travel, packing liquids can be tough. The limits on carrying liquids on board planes are well publicized and much bemoaned, but beyond that, they can leak or spill …
For some travelers, finding good food takes priority over just about anything else on a vacation. Anyone’s trip can be improved by partaking in a few great meals. The challenge lies in …
Even if you plan your vacation perfectly by picking the right destination at a time of year when it almost always has great weather, any trip poses the threat of Mother Nature …