Mexico Travel Safety: To Go or Not To Go?

by Royal Holiday


Mexico Travel Safety

Nobody takes a more serious look

than the travel and tourism industry.


In the New Edition of the Royal Holiday Resort Guide, we wrote, quite confidently, that Mexico is still where Royal Holiday members come home. It’s easily the most visited country, and home to all of our most popular resorts. And…

Everyone has heard scary stories about Mexico. The last ten years have seen some truly trying times, some tragedies and some truly violent incidents.

No one is better aware of the things that affect international visitors to Mexico than the people working in Mexico’s significant travel and tourism industry. That’s in part because the travel and tourism industry is directly affected by what happens to the people who visit, and also because it simply wouldn’t be “hospitality” if we didn’t.

Screen shot 2013-08-15 at 1.23.11 PMWhile no one wants to underplay the seriousness with which we approach traveler and visitor safety, we’re also constantly in a struggle to get the truth out there. And the truth is probably a lot better than what you may have heard.

We were very pleased to see the thorough work done by Black Label Interactive, to put together their website: How Safe is Mexico?

We hope you’ll spend a few minutes and look at the illustrations that compare the relative safety of Mexico’s top tourist destinations with United States cities, which are statistically much more dangerous places. At the same time, you may want to consider some of the other top tourism destinations across the Caribbean in comparison with most of Mexico.

If you are concerned about travel to any of the destinations we offer in Mexico, or anywhere else, just give Membership Services a call. We’ll be pleased to review the latest information, government travel advisories or current news.

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