Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation

by Royal Holiday

Image by Lucía Pizarro Coma

Whether you plan to take a one-week vacation at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico or a one-year backpacking excursion around the world, the last thing any traveler wants is to become sick while on vacation. While illness is not always preventable, your chances of becoming sick can be greatly reduced if you follow a few basic precautions.

With their recycled air and cramped quarters, airplanes can be something of a health risk for travelers, especially if they’re tired from a long trip or exhausted from a late-night packing session. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol, washing your hands frequently, sleeping whenever you can, and regularly taking short walks around the cabin to reduce the risk of a blood clot in your legs.

In addition, drinking contaminated water is a surefire way to get sick fast. In order to avoid this, make sure that you do your research beforehand on where it is safe to drink tap water on your trip. In areas where the local water isn’t safe, you should also avoid consuming ice cubes and fruits or vegetables that can’t be peeled or that are very water-rich.

Moreover, it is important to eat nutritious foods in order to stay healthy. You may find it difficult to consume healthy foods if you are eating out in restaurants every day, or if you’re trying to stretch your food budget. As much as possible, don’t cut back too much on protein, which helps you to resist infection, and keep eating plenty of fruits and vegetables when safe. If you’re not getting enough greens from restaurant meals, visit a local market. You’ll have an interesting cultural experience and get some healthy produce in the bargain. You can also consider taking vitamin supplements on your trip in order to help you stay relatively balanced.

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