If you’re caught in the rain while traveling, carrying the proper protection can mean the difference between soldiering through a bit of bad weather and having it completely ruin your day or …
E-readers can be a huge convenience on vacation. Rather than lugging a suitcase full of books, you can just slip in one small gadget, and as long as you’ve got your charger, …
If you want to spend a lot of time outside while on vacation, you should be sure to wear sunscreen. Even though “getting some sun” may be a goal of yours, getting …
If you want to travel outside your native country, you may need to obtain a visa. The more than 270 countries in the world that provide visas offer thousands of different kinds, …
Vacations are a great time to try something new. While you’re in a faraway place, you can expand your horizons not just gastronomically and culturally, but also athletically. Many vacation destinations offer …
Sun on a beach vacation can be a double-edged sword. Too little sun and the beach becomes a lot less enjoyable. Too much sun, however, can burn you to a crisp and …
Locations in Mexico are always – always – the hands down favorite of Royal Holiday members. Whether they’re looking for a quick break, taking a long annual trip to somewhere new, or …
Storage can be a major hassle while traveling. The smaller things you need on a trip, like cords and cosmetics, can be especially difficult to manage. Luckily, enterprising travelers have figured out …
Traveling on a cruise ship can be like stepping into another world, full of people who know just where to be at the right time. Many experienced cruise-ship travelers have figured out …