With its white sand beaches and beautiful turquoise waters, Cancun, Mexico is recognized as paradise on earth and a dream come true. Dive into its beautiful waters with Royal Holiday and discover …
End of year trips and those coming up in the New Year 2024 will be just a taste of the new tourism boom for which you have to be prepared and, most …
It is extremely complicated to plan a Disney World trip, getting to all the attractions you long to go to and still trying all the iconic food and snacks can be hard. …
When someone thinks about the Mexican Caribbean, they immediately think about beaches, natural wells, and places to enjoy the nightlife. However, other completely different attractions can make a difference between ordinary and …
The beautiful tropical weather, vibrant vegetation, and rich culture have charmed the life of thousands of tourists from all around the world. In this blog, we will talk about some of the …
There is no need to go to the same destination every year. If you are looking for the perfect family trip to an incredible destination you are in the right place. In …
We know that traveling not only allows us to discover and experience the world but it is also an opportunity to get to know ourselves and reflect on how we are physically, …
Since this is a city that you need to visit at least once in your life, in Royal Holiday we invite you to go on a trip to New York and get …
Throughout the years the cities have grown so much that they are now considered the best cities in the world. Come with us in this edition and figure out why these destinations …